Distance Intuitive Reiki Session

“I am so glad that I did this because It was an amazing experience, and it will help me move forward. I could feel the energy move through my body, and you validated what I am going through in my life at this time. Thank you, thank you!” Samantha Tyler

Feel the Healing Power of Reiki Anywhere You Are!

Reiki is energy. Energy travels across time and space, and so do the wonderful benefits of Reiki. It’s possible to experience Reiki's beneficial effects without being in the same physical space as the practitioner. This is perfect for those who love the comfort of their home or can’t travel.

In your session, I allow your body to ‘speak’ and tell me how it wants to be aligned.

Before your distance session:

Your distance Reiki session will be 30-45 minutes long. Be mindful of when you schedule a time and date for your session when you can be in a receptive state, such as lying down or meditating during our time. I recommend putting on some soft music and having a comfy blanket to snuggle up with. Please turn your phone to silent mode, close your laptop, and eliminate any other distractions around you. If you have pets, they may want to get in this! They can feel the energy, and most love it.

At the time of your session:

I will light some sage and a candle to set the healing intention and connect with Reiki and your energy. I have several years of experience in energy reading, so I won’t need your picture, location, or birthdate.

You can state your intention to receive the healing energy being sent your way. That is all you need to do. Just trust that whatever you need is coming to you right now, at the perfect time.

If you are new to Reiki, begin your Distant Reiki session with an open mind. If you lay there thinking, “When’s it gonna start?”; “I don’t feel anything?” or, “Is this stuff for real?” then you are not allowing or in the best frame of mind to relax and enjoy the best experience. Reiki energy is Universal Life Force Energy. It is only positive and can never harm.

I can’t tell you what and how you will experience your Reiki session. Everyone is different, and so are their experiences. Reiki has its own intelligence and always works for your highest good, no matter what you might physically feel during the session. You may feel sensations in your body like tingling, warmth, stomach gurgles, body movements, etc., or you may feel nothing, and that’s okay! Whatever happens, happens, and it is right and perfect for you at that moment in time.

Just relax in this space for 30 minutes or even longer if you feel like it. You may fall asleep; there is nothing wrong with that!

Finishing your session

When you feel ready, please take a few deep breaths to tell your body it’s time to change and return to the Now.

Take a moment to write down any thoughts that popped up during your time; sometimes, ideas will come to you in these quiet moments.

I recommend drinking a glass of water when there has been energy movement.

I will email or text you the notes I received in your session. This can include any imbalances, intuitive advice, affirmations, or other advice or “downloads” I receive. I will also answer a few questions about your session.

Distance Reiki is a beautiful way to experience the feel-good, pick-me-up, all-is-right-with-the-world harmony you feel when your energies are balanced, mind, body, and spirit. By doing regularly scheduled sessions, you can enhance that wonderful feeling of alignment and balance.

Your session will be 30-45 minutes long, and I will include notes on what I learned during the session.

Investment: 80.