The Art of Dry Bathing in Reiki Healing

In our journey through the intricate realms of Reiki healing, we often encounter various techniques and practices that enrich our understanding and connection with universal energy. Today, let's explore "Kenyoku," also known as the "dry bathing" technique in Reiki.

Kenyoku, a Japanese term meaning "dry bathing" or "dry wash," is a simple yet powerful ritual in Reiki that serves to cleanse and purify the energetic body. Unlike traditional bathing, Kenyoku does not involve water; instead, it utilizes energetic movements and intention to clear away stagnant energy, emotional residue, and energetic attachments. Kenyoku can be practiced as a standalone ritual or integrated into your Reiki sessions as a preparatory or concluding practice. Experiment with different variations and adaptations of the technique to suit your personal preferences and the needs of yourself and your clients.

Benefits of Kenyoku:

  • Kenyoku helps to remove stagnant energy and emotional residue, promoting balance and harmony within the energetic body.

  • By releasing energetic attachments and tension, Kenyoku can facilitate emotional release and promote a sense of lightness and clarity.

  • Incorporating Kenyoku into your daily routine fosters self-care and energetic hygiene, helping you maintain a clear and vibrant energetic state.

How to Practice Kenyoku:

1. Begin by finding a comfortable seated position, with your back straight and your hands in the Gassho position — palms pressed together in front of your heart center. Take a few deep breaths to center yourself and quiet the mind.

2. Place your right hand on your left shoulder. With a gentle and intentional motion, stroke down your chest, across your stomach, and end at your right hip. Feel the soothing energy flowing through your body as you release any tension or negativity.

3. Mirror the same motion on the opposite side. Place your left hand on your right shoulder and stroke down your chest, across your stomach, and end at your left hip. Allow the energy of Kenyoku to cleanse and purify both sides of your energetic body.

4. Extend your left arm out to the side, palm facing upward. With your right hand, begin at your left shoulder and stroke down your arm, all the way to your fingertips. Feel the sensation of energy flowing freely through your arm, releasing any blockages or stagnant energy.

5. When you reach your fingertips, fling your right hand out into the air, as though you are throwing away any negative energy. Visualize it dissipating into the universe, leaving you feeling light and uplifted.

6. Extend your right arm out to the side and repeat the same motion. Stroke down your right arm, from shoulder to fingertips, and release any residual negativity with a flick of your hand.

7. Return to the left arm for one final stroke down, reinforcing the cleansing and purifying effects of Kenyoku. Feel the renewed sense of vitality and clarity coursing through your being.

8. Bring your hands back together in the Gassho position, palms pressed firmly against each other in front of your heart center. Take a moment to express gratitude for the cleansing and purifying experience of Kenyoku.

As you conclude this short Gassho meditation with Kenyoku, take a moment to bask in the profound sense of harmony and alignment with universal energy. Carry this feeling of peace and vitality with you throughout your day, knowing that you are connected to the infinite wellspring of love and light within and around you.

Kenyoku offers a simple yet profound way to cleanse and purify the energetic body, promoting balance, harmony, and well-being. By incorporating this practice into your Reiki repertoire, you can deepen your connection to universal energy and facilitate transformative healing for yourself and others.

With love and light,



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